by Donizetti
[This synopsis, like my others, is very, very brief. The reason is that I find the normal programme note much too long, and needlessly detailed and complicated. What I want is more of an overview. If I’ve read an overview – a sort of synopsis of a synopsis – I find that, particularly with the help of surtitles, there is then absolutely no need for a blow-by-blow description of the plot.]
Roberto Devereux is the story, leading to the execution of the hero (aka the Earl of Essex), of a love triangle. Sara, Duchess of Nottingham, is in love with Roberto but has married the Duke of Nottingham, one of Roberto’s political allies. Queen Elizabeth is also in love with Roberto. Roberto has been charged with treason.
In Act 1 Sara is bewailing her situation, made worse when the Queen declares her love. The Queen has agreed to release Roberto of the charge if she can be assured of his loyalty.
Cecil (referred to in the opera as Lord Cecil rather than Sir Robert Cecil as he then was – foreigners always find our titles difficult) is putting pressure on the Queen to sign Roberto’s death warrant.
The Queen promises Roberto that the ring she gave him will always be a pledge of his security if he returns it to her. But she discovers that he loves another – which he denies.
When Roberto and Sara meet, Sara has to explain that she married the Duke (when Roberto was away at the wars) only because the Queen commanded it. They part saying that they will never see each other again, but she gives him a blue scarf as a token of her love.
In Act 2 the scarf takes centre stage. The Queen gets hold of it. Nottingham is pleading for Roberto’s life, but sees the scarf. He recognizes it as coming from his wife. He realizes that she is unfaithful and is in love with Roberto. He changes sides and vows revenge. The Queen also turns against Roberto when he refuses to reveal who his lover is. She signs his death warrant.
In Act 3 the ring becomes crucial. Roberto sends it to Sara, telling her to give it to the Queen. But Nottingham prevents this. Roberto is lead to the scaffold. Sara then sees the Queen herself, confesses that she is Roberto’s lover – and gives her the ring. But too late. Roberto is executed. Nottingham is revenged. The Queen kisses the ring.