by Verdi
The opera is the tale of a tragic love-triangle, set in Egypt in the days of the Pharaohs.
Radames is the General of the Egyptian army confronting the invading Ethiopians.
Amneris is the daughter of the Egyptian king and is in love (unrequited) with Radames.
Aida is the Ethiopian slave of Amneris and happens also (unbeknown to the Egyptians) to be the daughter of the Ethiopian king, Amonastro. She is also in love with Radames, as he is with her.
The Egyptians defeat the Ethiopians and capture Amonastro. Radames had hoped, in victory, to claim the hand of Aida. The Egyptian king has other plans. He arranges Radames to marry Amneris.
Radames tries to escape with Aida with the help of Amonastro. Unwittingly Radames reveals military secrets to Amonastro. They get caught.
Radames is sentenced to death by entombment in a vault. Amneris tries unsuccessfully to persuade him to give up Aida and save his life.
Aida has hidden herself in the vault where Radames is to die. They die in each other’s arms. Amneris, in mourning, flings herself onto the stone that seals the vault.